Between the lines

Between the Lines is a col­lec­tion of short pieces of nar­ra­tive inspired by a first draft, The Galileo Fil­er, a mon­tage of very short texts for the web in the form of files on var­i­ous aspects of the life and prac­tice of the per­form­ing arts pub­lished until most recent­ly on silent​cul​ture​.org. The Galileo Fil­er project was born out of my expe­ri­ence of work­ing with per­cus­sion­ist and com­pos­er Bruno Paquet at the Galileo work­place we co-found­ed and main­tained for over ten years through a series of stage pro­duc­tions and oth­er works ded­i­cat­ed to the com­mu­ni­ty. Let me refer to the Danse Kalashas / Mahapooram Ensem­ble archival site, the Galileo Work­place, for an overview of the activ­i­ties that have tak­en place at the Galileo Spaces where groups of par­tic­i­pants have enjoyed shar­ing their work and ideas as evi­denced by the sup­port and tes­ti­monies received. The post­ing of the Galileo Fil­er (Fichi­er Galilée) had to be aban­doned fol­low­ing updates on the appli­ca­tion used to retrieve data from our online data­base. The suc­ces­sive updates had made the scripts inoperative.

The present series takes the idea of this first draft of the posts as a source of inspi­ra­tion to rein­vent the for­mu­la. The new Galileo Cards or files go far beyond a nos­tal­gia for the time spent work­ing at the Galileo Spaces. The cards are rather meant to achieve two things as a priority:

  • By means of cap­sules, flash­es, apho­risms mixed with his­tor­i­cal facts and jour­neys based on knowl­edge acquired in the prac­tice of cre­ation and by a reflec­tion on art, soci­ety and the world in which we live, arouse the curios­i­ty of read­ers to issues of dai­ly life and work in cre­ative cir­cles as we know them. 
  • Invent a flex­i­ble cyber space for the pre­sen­ta­tion of texts by high­light­ing the idea of ​​the text that stands out from the image and from most of oth­er medi­a­tion projects in the per­form­ing arts.

Between the Lines there­fore goes well beyond an enter­prise of nos­tal­gia attached to the peri­od of the “Espaces Galileo”. It aims at cov­er­ing a vari­ety of sub­jects, lendint its aphor­ic matrix to the fure­teur’s quick read. 

Richard Trem­blay

Peruse Silent­cul­ture  — Between the Lines

Nav­iguer Silent­cul­ture — Entre les lignes

Ver­sion 1.1