Between the Lines

The Invisible Man

A dance soloist presents him­self: nei­ther dancer nor chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, anec­do­tal, sin­gu­lar, mas­cu­line, under a body that he has made exot­ic by sin­gling it out on the out­skirts of the Ger­man expres­sion­ism. So he con­se­crat­ed the exoti­cism of his body like, but not to be con­fused with, the oth­er dancer wrapped in rhythm, col­or, sto­ry and per­cus­sion. None of them would claim to be ‘exot­ic’ for all that.

Pho­to col­lec­tion from Kérala, India (R. Trem­blay, 19761981). Album de Kathakali.