Books & Articles

The uni­verse has writ­ten upon itself, leav­ing behind the trace of its implo­sion. Since then, the read­ing of its tra­jec­to­ry has been done through the nar­ra­tion of events tak­ing place in the light years, where we find a sto­ry to tell our­selves. In doing so, we have begun to say, retell, write and rewrite in order to inscribe our­selves some­where in parole, ges­tures, words and plays of clar­ines that will leave with the implo­sions. Thus was born the rhap­sode of which the nar­ra­tor inher­it­ed the voice that began to sing in ways oth­er than in epics; the instru­ment of lan­guage, the wit­ness to its tra­jec­to­ry and the tire­less atten­tion put into prob­ing the twin infini­ties, the small and the big. When Ulysses goes on a jour­ney, he may lie. He rein­vents him­self in the space of his narrative.

The Edi­tor


In between the lines