

Ren­con­tres choré­graphiques is a one-time series of get-togeth­er around chore­og­ra­phy with dance pro­fes­sion­als invit­ed to share their views with chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Richard Trem­blay. This 1997 series of six talks was audio record­ed by Radio-Cana­da and video­graphed in Beta­cam by Danse Kalashas.

Silent­cul­ture select­ed 3 out of the 7 par­tic­i­pants in the Ren­con­tres Choré­graphiques, whose dis­course res­onates beyond their time. Each meet­ing includes excepts from an inter­view and a short piece tak­en from the artist’s chore­o­graph­ic reper­toire or work in progress pre­sent­ed at the Ren­con­tres.

Chan­dralekha (1997)
Marie Chouinard (1997) (Upcom­ing post)
Serge Ben­nathan (1997) (Upcom­ing post)

No less cap­ti­vat­ing are the talks of the four oth­er guests of the Ren­con­tres. Their excerpts appear under the head­ing silent­cul­ture /archives. They are: Karen Jamieson, Luc Trem­blay, Rina Sing­ha and Richard Trem­blay (the lat­ter get-togeth­er host­ed by Geneviève Dus­sault). Of this group, Karen Jamieson was unable to join the pro­gram with her dancer from Van­cou­ver due to trav­el and oth­er constraints.