Rencontres chorégraphiques is a one-time series of get-together around choreography with dance professionals invited to share their views with choreographer Richard Tremblay. This 1997 series of six talks was audio recorded by Radio-Canada and videographed in Betacam by Danse Kalashas.
Silentculture selected 3 out of the 7 participants in the Rencontres Chorégraphiques, whose discourse resonates beyond their time. Each meeting includes excepts from an interview and a short piece taken from the artist’s choreographic repertoire or work in progress presented at the Rencontres.
Chandralekha (1997)
Marie Chouinard (1997) (Upcoming post)
Serge Bennathan (1997) (Upcoming post)
No less captivating are the talks of the four other guests of the Rencontres. Their excerpts appear under the heading silentculture /archives. They are: Karen Jamieson, Luc Tremblay, Rina Singha and Richard Tremblay (the latter get-together hosted by Geneviève Dussault). Of this group, Karen Jamieson was unable to join the program with her dancer from Vancouver due to travel and other constraints.