The narrator telling one’s story
A stage re-ennactment of a 1916 Dance Performance

Representation of a woman in a 1916 dance. (Kottayam, Kerala).
From Merwarth (1926), In Tremblay (2020), The Kathakali Explorer, Performing History.
Kalamandalam University Press.
Ethnologist and linguist A. M. Merwarth who attended a kathakali performance in Kottayam in the state of Kerala in 1916 wrote an account of the production including an introduction to the Kathakali dance theater, and published his 120 pages featured article in Le Journal Asiatique (Paris, 1926). The article comprises a series of drawings and graphic representations, and was recently translated, introduced, annotated and reviewed with comments and related sources in The Kathakali Explorer (2020). This annotated translation and its addenda make up the primary source of the reconstruction.
The 1916 performance
Title of work: Narakasuravadham
Author of the performative text: Kartikatirunnal (1724 – 98)
Year performed: 1916
Place performed: Kottayam (Kerala, India).
Research and creation project under the direction of
Richard Tremblay
Send a note for further information and/or to express a professional interest in participating in research and/or creation:
The contemplated reconstruction calls for a production cum research setup aiming at a final stage work. As a major project of collaboration, this pioneering project in the field of past performance studies calls for a vast work plan involving:
a) A fundamental research programme applied to the reconstruction of past stage works in the field of the Kathakali studies, relying on
b) A creative input from artists, actors/dancers, vocalists, percussionists, and production collaborators under a choreographic direction and academic guidance, and
c) A funding program of contributions from universities, government agencies and other targeted sources.
Useful link:
The Kathakali Explorer (2020)