‘The stone, the postman and the mirror’
In-development production (2026)
Rerun of choreography Of Mice and Other Similar Devices : Voyage en Occident (‘Journey to the West’), 1990 – 91.

Danse Kalashas, 1991
Of Mice and Other Similar Devices
Dancer soloist Geneviève Pepin in Of Mice and Other Similar Devices — Journey to the West (1990 – 91)
Put on the Montreal dance stage at Espace Tangente in 1990 and revived the following year at the Agora de la danse, Of Mice and Other Similar Devices (1990), was born out of extensive research into movement and gestures extending over a period of three years from 1987 to 1990. Involving Geneviève Pepin and Richard Tremblay, the research laid the foundations of the choreographic language put forward by Danse Kalashas, the company founded by the choreographer in 1990 on the basis of the operating and production structure put in place as early as in 1981 with the establishment of the practice of Kathakali dance in Montreal.
(The choreographer) focuses on contemplative canons of select movements which he uses and reuses to mesmerizing effect. The scores act more as aural backdrop than musical instigators (along the lines of Cunningham and Cage) and the message radiates peace and spirituality. (The Gazette, Montreal.)
Le jeu des mains épouse la musique comme si la danseuse créait les notes du bout de ses (sic) doigts. Le corps s’étire doucement avec une grâce qui a tôt fait de nous rappeler les mouvements méditatifs du tai chi. (La Presse, Montréal.)