Between the Lines

Famous Encounter

A Gra­cious Narcissism

It is said that Ein­stein once wit­nessed the spec­tac­u­lar fall of a con­struc­tion work­er; fall­en from a mul­ti-storey build­ing, the work­er mirac­u­lous­ly sur­vived. Ein­stein has­tened to vis­it him at the ear­li­est oppor­tu­ni­ty, for he had a press­ing and spe­cif­ic ques­tion for him. The physi­cist’s ques­tion was: “What did you feel when you fell, dear sir”? The work­er smiled and was silent for a moment. He could have answered in sev­er­al ways. He could have said: “I was afraid, I thought of the mis­for­tune of my wife, my chil­dren, my father, my moth­er, my friends, my broth­ers and sis­ters”. Or: “I have felt the whole bur­den of my actions, of my sins that I repent”. Or again: “I regret noth­ing”. But the work­man’s response was just as remark­able as the physi­cist’s ques­tion: “I felt, sir, that I had no weight,” he replied. The anec­dote is report­ed by one of the mas­ter’s stu­dents. Regard­less of the fate of this work­er who mirac­u­lous­ly sur­vived the acci­dent, the famous physi­cist had got the answer he was look­ing for and he had gone where he could get it. But, won­der­ing the chore­o­g­ra­ph­er envy­ing the work­er for the fame his fall drew upon him, could the short dia­logue even have tak­en place if, instead of a work­er, Ein­stein had met one of these dance mas­ters who are still lured by mat­ters of grav­i­ty? The schol­ar hard­ly seems to have been con­cerned with the chore­o­g­ra­phers in mat­ters of grav­i­ty, hav­ing sought the opin­ion of an unprej­u­diced indi­vid­ual who felt he had no weight when falling. Ein­stein would have seen Martha Gra­ham dance, oth­er sources report, as no mem­o­rable dia­logue is found to this effect, but a praise or two addressed to the chore­o­g­ra­ph­er whom, per­haps, he knew she was grap­pling with the gra­cious nar­cis­sism to which she owed her genius.

Text adapt­ed from The Great Dis­cov­ery of Free Float. In Wheel­er, John A. (1990, 11).
Pho­to: Hen­ry & Co. from Pexels