Prayer for a Rope, a Pope and a Rogue
Stage Performance
Spatial distribution in diachrony / Orchestrated percussion music

Choreographer Richard Tremblay invites six dancers
to thread curvilenear paths on the all white-clothed stage of
the Montreal Usine C theatre. Four percussionists play
live music composed for orchestral percussion, the
tablas and the Kathakali percussion music by
to thread curvilenear paths on the all white-clothed stage of
the Montreal Usine C theatre. Four percussionists play
live music composed for orchestral percussion, the
tablas and the Kathakali percussion music by
Bruno Paquet for the for the percussion ensemble
under the direction of Shawn Mativetsky. Known for his
collaboration with Peter Brook, French scenographer Jean-Guy
Lecat transforms the stage into an Himalayan landscape vibrating with
the crystal shades of the glacier. Stage in residence at Montreal in 2002 – 2003,
Prayer for a Rope, a Pope and a Rogue is performed to rhythm and the orchestrated percussion music.
collaboration with Peter Brook, French scenographer Jean-Guy
Lecat transforms the stage into an Himalayan landscape vibrating with
the crystal shades of the glacier. Stage in residence at Montreal in 2002 – 2003,
Prayer for a Rope, a Pope and a Rogue is performed to rhythm and the orchestrated percussion music.
La gestuelle est à la fois tellurique et
attirée vers les hauteurs. Le torse, les bras, les mains, le bassin, les jambes, tout est ouvert,
offert au monde, mais Tremblay fait aussi passer dans les corps des contractions intenses qui les investissent d’une densité palpable.
(La Presse, Montreal).
Un travail unique des mains propre à l’art indien. (Le Devoir, Montréal.
Le chorégraphe cherche à procurer un sentiment de l’Himalaya, au-delà des clichés, explique
(Richard Tremblay) cet homme de scène expérimenté.
(Voir, Montreal.)
Quand Richard Tremblay pense “montagne”, il pense Himalayas…
Spectacle intéressant à plusieurs points de vue. »
(Radio-Canada (CBC), Montreal.)
Choreography: Richard Tremblay
Rehearsals: Geneviève Pepin
Lights and scenography: Jean-Guy Lecat
Kathakali percussion music and orchestral percussion: Bruno Paquet
Peter Trosztmer, Sophie Janssens, Benoît Leduc
Mariko Tanabe, Pascale Léonard, and
Georges Molnar (impersonating the ermit)
Percussionists : Bruno Paquet (Chenda, Maddalam
and Edakka), Shawn Mativetsky, Catherine Meunier
and Jagjit Singh sitting at the Tablas.
Oeuvre « tout en contrastes », « fascinante »,
comme le souligne la presse montréalaise, In Himalayas,
Prayer for a Rope, a Pope, and a Rogue est un programme
complet d’une durée de 75 minutes.
complet d’une durée de 75 minutes.
Premiered at Usine C (Centre de diffusion national et international) in a co-production / presentation
Danse Kalashas, Ensemble Mahapooram and Usine C, Montreal, 2003.