Choreographer and writer

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Richard Trem­blay

RICHARD TREMBLAY (Ph D, M Ind, B Ed), was the found­ing direc­tor of the for­mer the­atre com­pa­ny Le Groupe Téâ­tram where he direct­ed Madam’s Being Car­ried Away (Madame s’emporte: 1974 – 75-77), a work he direct­ed in Mon­tre­al and pre­sent­ed at the Nation­al School of Dra­ma and Jawa­har­lal Nehru Uni­ver­si­ty in New Del­hi (India) as well as at the for­mer New The­ater Fes­ti­val in Bal­ti­more (US. 1997). He was trained in Kathakali dance the­ater (1975 – 81, 1984) at the Kathakali school, Ker­ala Kala­man­dalam, and received a com­mis­sion from the insti­tu­tion for the cre­ation and direc­tion of The Ili­ad, The Kathakali Ili­ad / The Anger of Achilles (1988). This work was pre­sent­ed at the NCPA in Mum­bai as an Indi­an pre­miere (1991), fol­lowed by a revival (2000) in Sin­ga­pore as a tour­ing pro­duc­tion. He cre­at­ed more than a dozen chore­o­graph­ic works at Danse Kalashas, ​​his com­pa­ny, includ­ing Of Mice and Oth­er Sim­i­lar Devices (1990), the com­pa­ny’s found­ing work, and lat­er major works, Prayer for a Rope, a Pope and a Rogue (2003) for 6 dancers, with scenog­ra­phy and light­ing by Jean-Guy Lecat and per­cus­sion music by com­pos­er Bruno Paquet played live by 5 per­cus­sion­ists under the direc­tion of Shawn Mativet­sky. In par­al­lel with writ­ing projects, Richard Trem­blay is now work­ing on the recon­struc­tion of a Kathakali per­for­mance pre­sent­ed in Ker­ala in 1916. Author of essays in dance as well as a nov­el, he was trained in phonol­o­gy (1981 – 84) at the Grad­u­ate Stud­ies pro­gram of the depart­ment of lin­guis­tics, Uni­ver­sité de Montréal.