Encres de dis­per­sion

The nov­el Encres de dis­per­sion (‘Ink­ings of Dis­per­sion’) fol­lows the jour­ney of an insta­bil­i­ty: that of a clus­ter of char­ac­ters, who invent its rules and sus­tain its fierce­ness by play­ing out their des­tiny. The game is in no way a free ride, promis­ing to recre­ate an area of life and speech going through the cat­a­clysms that are its trig­gers; the cuts where the knot of their desires smoul­ders. Itin­er­ants rub shoul­ders with politi­cians, archi­tects, brig­ands, painters, street per­form­ers and bar work­ers, all in tune with the con­nivance of rap­pers and debauchees, authors in their own way of sto­ries, which are left to play on the trail of their wan­der­ing nights. All of them do write, that is in cross-hatch­ing against the back­ground of con­flicts, of encoun­ters, moments before return­ing to obliv­ion with the space that saw them grow up; a space which has nev­er­the­less been inhab­it­ed and of which the Medea of the Adiron­dacks who trav­els through its mean­ders seems to be the only sur­vivor.

Richard Trem­blay
, 2024
507 p.
Dimen­sions: 15,523cm
29.95 $ in book store
ISBN: 978 – 17382267 – 02

The Sto­ry Mak­er per­forms live Tonight
Re-enact­ing the past

The essay offers a method­ol­o­gy for recon­struct­ing (re-enact­ing) dance based on a kathakali per­for­mance pre­sent­ed in 1916 in South India. The author finds sup­port in the doc­u­men­ta­tion left by the eth­nol­o­gists Alexan­der Michailovich Mer­wart (1884 – 1932) and Lud­mi­la Alexan­drov­na Mer­wart (1888 – 1965) about this per­for­mance, which he enrich­es with research he car­ried out in his­to­ry. of kathakali dance. In this small book we will find a visu­al treat­ment of the doc­u­ments pub­lished in the 1926 mono­graph that the author trans­lat­ed from French to Eng­lish in a work enti­tled “The Kathakali Explor­er” (2020). The plan for recon­struct­ing the 1916 per­for­mance cov­er­ing the move­ment and pro­duc­tion of the show is built on this basis and sheds new light on the his­to­ry of kathakali dance (known as “char­ac­ter dance”) and its cen­turies-long path of trans­for­ma­tions.

Richard Trem­blay
, 2024
75 p.
Dimen­sions: 14,8521cm
9.95 $ in book store
ISBN: 978 – 17382267 – 19

Dance in reit­er­a­tion
From rep­e­ti­tion to dif­fer­ence

Repli­ca edi­tion of the the­atri­cal pub­li­ca­tion Les Cahiers de la danse de l’Inde, Mon­tre­al: The Kathakali Insti­tute, vol. I, no 1, 1981.

silent­cul­ture per­for­mance, 2024
31 p.
Free dis­tri­b­u­tion
ISBN: 000 – 00000000 – 00