Encres de dispersion

The novel Encres de dispersion (‘Inkings of Dispersion’) follows the journey of an instability: that of a cluster of characters, who invent its rules and sustain its fierceness by playing out their destiny. The game is in no way a free ride, promising to recreate an area of life and speech going through the cataclysms that are its triggers; the cuts where the knot of their desires smoulders. Itinerants rub shoulders with politicians, architects, brigands, painters, street performers and bar workers, all in tune with the connivance of rappers and debauchees, authors in their own way of stories, which are left to play on the trail of their wandering nights. All of them do write, that is in cross-hatching against the background of conflicts, of encounters, moments before returning to oblivion with the space that saw them grow up; a space which has nevertheless been inhabited and of which the Medea of the Adirondacks who travels through its meanders seems to be the only survivor.
Richard Tremblay
silentculture performance, 2024
507 p.
Dimensions: 15,5 x 23cm
29.95 $ in book store
ISBN: 978 – 1‑7382267 – 0‑2
Available in store: Coop-UQAM, Montreal (Metro Berri UQAM)
eBook: Google Books(TM)
The Story Maker performs live Tonight
Re-enacting the past

The essay offers a methodology for reconstructing (re-enacting) dance based on a kathakali performance presented in 1916 in South India. The author finds support in the documentation left by the ethnologists Alexander Michailovich Merwart (1884 – 1932) and Ludmila Alexandrovna Merwart (1888 – 1965) about this performance, which he enriches with research he carried out in history. of kathakali dance. In this small book we will find a visual treatment of the documents published in the 1926 monograph that the author translated from French to English in a work entitled “The Kathakali Explorer” (2020). The plan for reconstructing the 1916 performance covering the movement and production of the show is built on this basis and sheds new light on the history of kathakali dance (known as “character dance”) and its centuries-long path of transformations.
Richard Tremblay
silentculture performance, 2024
75 p.
Dimensions: 14,85 x 21cm
9.95 $ in book store
ISBN: 978 – 1‑7382267 – 1‑9
Dance in reiteration
From repetition to difference

Replica edition of the theatrical publication Les Cahiers de la danse de l’Inde, Montreal: The Kathakali Institute, vol. I, no 1, 1981.
silentculture performance, 2024
31 p.
Free distribution
ISBN: 000 – 0‑0000000 – 0‑0